But this day, I guess is not normal, beyond that I suppose. When we were eating breakfast, the birds were chirping in the background (they still are up to this moment), the radio was on and some 70's music was playing. This is probably some kind of a consolation from the universe, I thought, because I don't even feel the usual grogginess I get when I only had too little sleep.
I have been worrying about a lot of things lately and it's showing in my skin. My eyebags are darker and I always feel funny in my stomach. We call this stress, don't we? I know I usually worry a lot and I know I have to grow up and be less of a panicky person because the truth is, I can't remember a time that I was able to accomplish a lot of things because of constant worrying. I feel inspired today, thanks to the weather. I hope this inspiration fuels me until early hours of tomorrow, please, please Universe.
This day feels really perfect, so even if my Tinikling was not perfect earlier at PE class (I have been tripping on the bamboos demmit), I am claiming this day to be a good one. Bye for now, I got to watch the Tinikling videos I have downloaded on youtube.
I wish you would have a great day, too :)